Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lady Gaga Post

Before reading Lily Rowen’s article GaGa and Ke$ha Champion New Feminism I never really considered Lady Gaga as a feminist per say. Like I said in one of my older posts I feel that all women are feminists and that would include her as well, but if someone specifically asked me if I thought Lady Gaga was a feminist (before reading the article) I would have probably said not really. What I mean to say is that I never realized how her songs actually bring up feminist issues (like in her songs “Video Phone” and “Poker Face”) or how she is trying to work towards equality between the two sexes. I really liked what she said in the article: "I find that men get away with saying a lot in this business, and that women get away with saying very little” because it really shows that she acknowledges there is a problem (like male privilege) that needs to be addressed and dealt with. 

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