Friday, January 21, 2011

Last Post

I think people should be educated about how everyone is affected by oppression and discrimination even when it seems like they are not. People should be taught that they can and should do things in order to fight injustice in the world, and that if they are not apart of the solution they are apart of the problem. People should see how their privilege does not excuse them from the problems (i.e. avoid responsibility for them) but instead it just helps create them. People should not be afraid to have tough conversations and should not shy away from tackling these problems.  People should also not feel discouraged to fight for the right thing even if they do not get the desired outcome right away. Change usually comes with time and hard work…people have to fight a lot in order to make the world a better place.
At first, it will be really hard to speak up when I see an injustice because I usually do not do that. I know it is the right thing to do, but I sometimes get scared and do not want to get involved in other’s problems since I have enough of my own. In order for this to work I will have to go outside of my comfort zone. I am not sure if that will be a hard thing to do since I view these problems as being my own now (before I did not think like that). I will try to speak up and defend people that are being treated unfairly based on racist, sexist, classist, heterosexist, ageist, abelist, and any other “-ist” ideas/thoughts. 


  1. Now I understand what my friend said about taking this class. She said that everyone should take a women studies class. Now I see why. It's to educate ourselves. That's one of the most important steps if we want to change the world. And you are right, we need to speak up against injustice.

  2. I like how you said, those who are not part of the solution are part of the problem. This is very true. Everyone needs to start taking responsibility, because although they may not have created these various forms of oppression, they are allowing them to continue.

  3. Thats great that you say this might not be that hard because you see these problems as your problems. I feel that too, like my life is not set apart from this fight. I am also going to be a better bystander because when bystanders don't act we only further the idea that it is okay for discriminatory behavior to go on. The oppressor has done a good job at keeping us silent, so that we don't step in and so that we don't speak up, we have too.
